Butterfield Overland Mail in Arkansas and Missouri

The Butterfield Overland Mail in Arkansas and Missouri was created by the United States Congress on March 3, 1857, and operated until March 30, 1861. The route that was operated extended from San Francisco, California to Los Angeles, then across the Colorado Desert to Fort Yuma, then across New Mexico Territory via, Tucson and Mesilla, New Mexico to Franklin, Texas, mid point on the route. The route route crossed Texas to the Red River and into Indian Territory to enter Arkansas at Fort Smith. Fort Smith was terminal where the secondary route that crossed Arkansas and across the Mississippi River to Memphis, Tennessee, met the main route that led northeast to Tipton with the final leg by train to St. Louis. The Arkansas and Missouri mail route was one division, the 8th under a superintendent.


Stations [1]


Fort Smith to Memphis Route

Main 8th_Division Route

Arkansas Stations
Missouri Stations

See also
